About Me

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Measuring FPS On The Web

Hello world. I imagine you've all forgotten about me in my absence. No, I was not away nor ill, rather I've simply been busy with life, the universe and everything. I have written a blog post that was published on CodeAurora Forum* entitled "Measuring FPS On The Web". This post was made as a Qualcomm Innovation Center employee rather than as a rogue technologist. For those of you whom have not visited my Linked In profile, I've been working at Qualcomm for a couple years as a Graphics Engineer focusing on the Android Browser. In this post, I speak of the inherent problem with measuring frame rates in JavaScript and why today's web benchmarks for the HTML5 canvas are flawed.

CodeAurora Forum: Measuring FPS On The Web

*The Code Aurora Forum is a mutually beneficial non-profit corporation promoting open source software that enables mobile and wireless ecosystems that rely on wireless internet and cellular technology.